Logistics / Warehousing / Fulfillment

Logistics & warehousing are major components for most businesses, especially e-commerce.   We provide logistic and warehousing support for Vietnamese companies that want to distribute their products in the US. 

No package is too big or small.   We ship packages for individual artisans to large factories, have shipped everything from cars to chicken eggs.

For online Sellers:

  • Our software can integrate with most online marketplaces,,,Amazon, Ebay, Walmart.com, Shopify, Etsy....Automatically creating shipments based on your orders.   You also have the option to email us your orders / shipments. 

  • The Online Marketplaces now require you to accept returns within that country.   If your product can ship within 24 hours within in the US, there will be a greater chance of your items selling.

  • We provide Tracking numbers that can be verified, insured and tracked by the customer making it a better online experience,

     We ship and warehouse for sellers who need that service.  We can provide the best customer service in in multiple countries and in multiple languages, saving both the buyer and seller time , money and aggravation.

  • Brand list

    Give customers details about brands available at your store